Smart Linux Tester

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A test framework for Linux. Since 2009


Please refer to directory 'docs/sample' in SLT Framework.

It contains three samples of Bash, C and Perl.


SLT Framework provides the following APIs for Bash, C and Perl,

and you can get the detail from its manpage.

- slt_info

  log info messages

- slt_getconf

  get configuration at runtime

- slt_startup_status

  get status of startup

- slt_env_saveset

  save and then set environment variable

- slt_env_restore

  restore environment variable

- slt_sysarch

  get processor type

- slt_os

  get OS type

- slt_smp

  check processor is smp or not

- slt_inextent

  check specified value is in extent or not